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Superior Batch Winding for weaving applications

In the course of more than 60 years, what started out as a little backyard workshop of the mechanical engineering master Hans Voshaar, has evolved into an internationally successful corporate group with 37 companies and various business divisions. In addition to all the progress, changes and innovations that have taken place, the traditions of this medium-sized, regionally-rooted family business have been preserved. To this very day, Neuenhauser stands for an open, trust-based corporate culture, hard, honest work, and the creation and retention of workplaces.

The selection of the right winders with optimally-adapted functions is the decisive criterion for goods rolls of the highest quality. As a leading company in the field of ascending batch and centre winders, we are able to offer our customers the best solutions at favourable prices.

Our wide spectrum of winders for very different fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven fabrics is based on over 30 years’ experience and know-how continuously collected over this time period. In this way, we are able to provide our customers special products with maximum efficiency, in particular for the winding of technical fabrics such as coating fabrics, geotextiles, glass fabric and tyre cord.

Due to the consistent further development of our products and our support of our employees, we guarantee that we remain a consistently reliable and innovative partner for our customers. We also focus on high energy efficiency and improvements in environmental compatibility across our entire value-added chain. We are always stay close to our customers with our product range, from simple ascending batch winders for standard fabric right up to high-quality winders for fabrics and knitted fabrics.

Neuenhauser Multiwinder



Multi means Flexible for this winder. For technical applications such as conveyor belt fabrics, fabrics for covering applications, glass and more, the MultiWinder can be configured for these demanding applications.

The selection of the right winders with optimal functions is critical for fabric rolls of the highest quality. As a leading company in the field of batch and center winders, we are able to offer our customers the best solutions in tried and tested quality.

Our wide offering of winders for every kind of woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics is based on over 30 years of experience and know-how. We are able to provide our customers with special solutions with maximum efficient, including the winding of very demanding technical fabrics such as coated fabrics, geotextiles, glass fabric and tire cord.

  • Expansion shafts

  • Selvedge pull-off

  • Heating & Stretching units

Neuenhauser Center-winder



The selection of the right winders with optimal functions is critical for fabric rolls of the highest quality. As a leading company in the field of batch and center winders, we are able to offer our customers the best solutions in tried and tested quality.

Center Winders are available for various applications including for processing Glass, Carbon fabrics.

Our wide offering of winders for every kind of woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics is based on over 30 years of experience and know-how. We are able to provide our customers with special solutions with maximum efficient, including the winding of very demanding technical fabrics such as coated fabrics, geotextiles, glass fabric and tire cord.

  • Expansion shafts

  • Selvedge pull-off

  • Heating & Stretching units

Neuenhauser Ecowinder



Compact, competitively priced and equipped with the necessary features, the Eco winder is perfect and a very economical solution for narrow standard fabrics. The winder guarantees continues roll quality in a continues manufacturing process.

The selection of the right winders with optimal functions is critical for fabric rolls of the highest quality. As a leading company in the field of batch and center winders, we are able to offer our customers the best solutions in tried and tested quality.

Our wide offering of winders for every kind of woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics is based on over 30 years of experience and know-how. We are able to provide our customers with special solutions with maximum efficient, including the winding of very demanding technical fabrics such as coated fabrics, geotextiles, glass fabric and tire cord.

  • Expansion shafts

  • Selvedge pull-off

  • Heating & Stretching units

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